Pricing Index

Average Prices of Used Packaging Materials in the United States

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Average Prices of Used Pallets in the United States

The average price of Used Pallets in the United States varies from state to state. The chart above shows the average price of Pallets across the country. The prices are based on the data collected from the sellers and buyers on Repackify. The prices are updated regularly to reflect the current market price of Pallets.

ChangeAvg Price
$4.05 18.08%
Gaylord Boxes
$10.31 -8.76%
IBC Totes
$39.06 56.24%
Metal Drums
$8.17 -15.34%
Wood Crates
$5.12 -66.71%
Plastic Drums
$10.00 12.36%
Plastic Pallets
$6.50 -21.59%
Wooden Spools
$21.25 116.4%
Plastic Crates
$1.00 -76.53%
Bulk Bags
$0.08 -95.32%
Cardboard Bales
$51.67 47.63%
Shipping Boxes
$0.10 -89.47%
$0.89 53.45%
Moving Boxes
$0.94 -24.8%

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